« Modèle:SciteMLACitationFormatter » : différence entre les versions

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

(this could be the transgressing space)
(2 versions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
; Template code
; Template code
<pre>{{#if: {{{authors|}}} |{{{authors}}}. | {{{author}}}. }} "{{{title}}}". {{{journal}}} {{#if: {{{volume|}}} | {{{volume}}}.{{{number|}}} | }} ({{{year}}}){{#if: {{{pages|}}} |<nowiki>:</nowiki> {{{pages}}}. |. }} {{#if: {{{doi|}}} |doi: [https://dx.doi.org/{{{doi}}} {{{doi}}}] | }} {{#if: {{{pmcid|}}} |PMCID: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmcid}}} {{{pmcid}}}] | }}
<pre>{{#if: {{{authors|}}} |{{{authors}}}. |{{{author}}}. }} "{{{title}}}". {{{journal}}} {{#if: {{{volume|}}} | {{{volume}}}.{{{number|}}} | }} ({{{year}}}){{#if: {{{pages|}}} |<nowiki>:</nowiki> {{{pages}}}. |. }} {{#if: {{{doi|}}} |doi: [https://dx.doi.org/{{{doi}}} {{{doi}}}] | }} {{#if: {{{pmcid|}}} |PMCID: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmcid}}} {{{pmcid}}}] | }}

[[Category:Semantic Cite example]]</noinclude><includeonly>{{#if: {{{authors|}}} |{{{authors}}}. | {{{author}}}. }} "{{{title}}}". {{{journal}}} {{#if: {{{volume|}}} | {{{volume}}}.{{{number|}}} | }} ({{{year}}}){{#if: {{{pages|}}} |<nowiki>:</nowiki> {{{pages}}}. |. }} {{#if: {{{doi|}}} |doi: [https://dx.doi.org/{{{doi}}} {{{doi}}}] | }} {{#if: {{{pmcid|}}} |PMCID: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmcid}}} {{{pmcid}}}] | }}</includeonly>
[[Category:Semantic Cite example]]</noinclude><includeonly>{{#if: {{{authors|}}} |{{{authors}}}. |{{{author}}}. }} "{{{title}}}". {{{journal}}} {{#if: {{{volume|}}} | {{{volume}}}.{{{number|}}} | }} ({{{year}}}){{#if: {{{pages|}}} |<nowiki>:</nowiki> {{{pages}}}. |. }} {{#if: {{{doi|}}} |doi: [https://dx.doi.org/{{{doi}}} {{{doi}}}] | }} {{#if: {{{pmcid|}}} |PMCID: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmcid}}} {{{pmcid}}}] | }}</includeonly>

Dernière version du 24 septembre 2021 à 20:59

Template code
{{#if: {{{authors|}}} |{{{authors}}}. |{{{author}}}. }} "{{{title}}}". {{{journal}}} {{#if: {{{volume|}}} | {{{volume}}}.{{{number|}}} | }} ({{{year}}}){{#if: {{{pages|}}} |: {{{pages}}}. |. }} {{#if: {{{doi|}}} |doi: [https://dx.doi.org/{{{doi}}} {{{doi}}}] | }} {{#if: {{{pmcid|}}} |PMCID: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/{{{pmcid}}} {{{pmcid}}}] | }}
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