« TestSelectingPages » : différence entre les versions

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

(Page créée avec « Has text::L'Aquila »)
Aucun résumé des modifications
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
[[Has text::L'Aquila]]
[[Has text::L'Aquila]]
[[Has text::If this gets longer than 70 characters it will be really hard to match with "like" operator, but we'll try. So I will just add some random text to make sure this string is long enough]]

Version du 27 décembre 2016 à 15:41

L'Aquila If this gets longer than 70 characters it will be really hard to match with "like" operator, but we'll try. So I will just add some random text to make sure this string is long enough

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