« John Doe » : différence entre les versions

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

m (1 revision imported: basic content setup)
(changed category for foaf:Person)
Ligne 4 : Ligne 4 :
[[Special:ExportRDF/John Doe|RDF Export]]
[[Special:ExportRDF/John Doe|RDF Export]]

[[Category:Person]] [[Category:Foaf]] __SHOWFACTBOX__
[[Category:foaf:Person]] [[Catoegory:Foaf]] __SHOWFACTBOX__

Version du 2 octobre 2015 à 15:14

... davantage au sujet de « John Doe »
Foaf:homepageHolds the URL of the homepage of something, which is a general web resource to learn more about a topic.
Foaf:knowsHolds information describing the relationship between one person to another that he or she knows.
Foaf:nameHolds the name for someone or something.
John Doe +
Has annotation uriUsed in cases where a URL property needs to be exported as an "owl:AnnotationProperty". It is a variant of datatype URL.
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