« Utilisateur:Carlo666/Test/Test5 » : différence entre les versions

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox
Aucun résumé des modifications
Balise : Éditeur de wikicode 2017
Aucun résumé des modifications
Balise : Éditeur de wikicode 2017
Ligne 10 : Ligne 10 :

== Trying to filter pages by '#' character ==
== Filtering pages by '#' character in the page name ==

Trying to exclude pages with page name containing '#' produces no results:
Trying to exclude pages with page name containing '#' produces no results:
Ligne 24 : Ligne 24 :

Trying to escape '#' does not filter anything:
If we escape '#' nothing is filtered:
Ligne 33 : Ligne 33 :
Ligne 46 : Ligne 45 :

Adding '#' (escaped or not) to the "not like" conditions replicates the above results:
Ligne 59 : Ligne 57 :
Ligne 71 : Ligne 68 :

== Trying to filter subobjects by text properties ==
Now we try to return only pages with page name containing '#', unsuccessfully:
Escaping '#'
== Filtering subobjects by text properties ==
A text property whose value is equal to the page name as returned above is defined in subpages and subobject.

* Excluding pages with property not containing '#' does not work:
Excluding pages with property containing '#' does not filter anything:
Ligne 89 : Ligne 110 :

* Same results when '#' is escaped:
Same results when '#' is escaped:
Ligne 101 : Ligne 122 :

* Now select only pages with property containing '#':
Selecting only pages with property containing '#' produces the expected result:
Ligne 113 : Ligne 134 :

* When '#' is escaped no result is returned:
When '#' is escaped no result is returned:

Version du 25 septembre 2019 à 11:53


This query return subpages of current page but also subobjects contained therein:


Filtering pages by '#' character in the page name

Trying to exclude pages with page name containing '#' produces no results:


If we escape '#' nothing is filtered:


Filtering by a substring of the subobject id works fine:


Adding '#' (escaped or not) to the "not like" conditions replicates the above results:



Now we try to return only pages with page name containing '#', unsuccessfully:


Escaping '#'


Filtering subobjects by text properties

A text property whose value is equal to the page name as returned above is defined in subpages and subobject.

Excluding pages with property containing '#' does not filter anything:


Same results when '#' is escaped:


Selecting only pages with property containing '#' produces the expected result:


When '#' is escaped no result is returned:

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