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FNA content
The following content has been copied from the Flora of North America wiki for the purposes of demonstration and educational training. It should not convey a claim of ownership or any other intellectual property to the written content.
Common names: Corkwood Family
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3. Treatment on page 414.

Shrubs or small trees. Wood white to yellowish, soft, brittle, even-grained; secretory canals in outer pith; resin yellowish. Leaves alternate, not aromatic; stipules absent; petiole and veins with secretory canals. Inflorescences axillary catkins, erect or lax. Flowers unisexual, staminate and pistillate on different (rarely on same) plants, inconspicuous, sessile; perianth absent or of small, undifferentiated sepals, hypogynous; pistils simple (rarely compound), 1(-2)-carpellate; ovary superior; placentation parietal; ovule 1, pendulous; style 1. Fruits drupes, leathery, dry.


{{#Distribution Maps: family

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Genus 1, species 1.

Leitneriaceae are a relict family confined to the flora area and occurring on coastal and riverine flood plains of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. The fossil record of the family extends to the Middle Oligocene (32-30 M.Y.B.P.).

Taxonomic affinities are uncertain. Various alliances have been suggested: Hamamelidales (A. Cronquist 1981), Sapindales (R. M. T. Dahlgren 1980), and Rutales (R. F. Thorne 1983) of the Rutiflorae. Biochemical studies (D. E. Giannasi 1986; F. P. Petersen and D. E. Fairbrothers 1983, 1985) suggest affinities with Simaroubaceae in Rutales.

Lower Taxa

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