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Version datée du 29 février 2020 à 07:32 par Mwjames (discussion | contributions) (1 révision importée : Flora of North America import)
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FNA content
The following content has been copied from the Flora of North America wiki for the purposes of demonstration and educational training. It should not convey a claim of ownership or any other intellectual property to the written content.
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 629. Mentioned on page 341, 342, 647, 475, 637.

Plants small to large, in dense or loose mats, glaucous, green, brown, or yellowish brown, dull. Stems creeping, sparsely to profusely branched, irregularly pinnate; paraphyllia absent. Stem and branch leaves differentiated. Stem leaves scalelike, minute; apex acute-acuminate to rounded; costa single, long, ending below apex, thick, usually pellucid, or double and short; laminal cells short. Branch leaves with costa single, ending sharply at or near apex, pellucid. Sexual condition dioicous. Seta dark to light reddish or brown, flexuose. Capsule erect, exserted; operculum conic to obliquely short-rostrate; exostome whitish yellow to pale brown, often striolate at base and papillose.


{{#Distribution Maps: family

|North America;Mexico;West Indies;Central America;South America;Europe;e Asia;Africa;Pacific Islands;Australia;circumboreal areas.


| }} North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, Europe, e Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands, Australia, circumboreal areas.


Genera 4, species ca. 20 (2 genera, 9 species in the flora).

Lower Taxa



1 Branch leaves broadly ovate to lanceolate, ± abruptly narrowed mid leaf; laminal cells with papillae 1 or many. Anomodon
1 Branch leaves ovate-lanceolate, gradually tapered from base to apex; laminal cells smooth. Herpetineuron
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