SMW Sandbox:About

From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Revision as of 22:49, 21 May 2018 by Kghbln (talk | contribs) (A protégé « SMW Sandbox:About » : Page à fort trafic ([Modifier=Autoriser uniquement les administrateurs] (infini) [Renommer=Autoriser uniquement les administrateurs] (infini)))
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Welcome to Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox. This site is hosting the sandbox of the Semantic MediaWiki extension for MediaWiki and serves as a demo site for it. Unless otherwise stated, all contents are published under the Creative Commons license "Attribution 3.0 Germany" (CC BY 3.0 DE). Exceptions of this rule are clearly indicated by a footer below the respective page. Images may have their own licenses, accessible by clicking on the image, and they are not automatically subject to the license of the page they are embedded into.

Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox collects personal information of its users only to the extent that this is done by MediaWiki, and does not store information about its readers. For editors, various personal information is recorded and published. All information entered on Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox should be considered permanent and public.


Herausgeber: Markus Krötzsch
Anschrift: Gartenstraße 75, 76135 Karlsruhe
Rufnummer: +49blanc721blanc6256540
E-Mail: markus‐at‐

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