
From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Revision as of 00:42, 12 April 2018 by MDeBellis (talk | contribs)
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This is the personal page for Michael DeBellis. I've included a picture of me at work below. I'm an experienced Wikipedia editor and also have a lot of experience with OWL and Protege. So far I'm a total novice on Semantic MediaWiki but it looks great. My blog can be found here: https://symbolicshacker.blogspot.com/. And my Academia. edu page is here: https://independent.academia.edu/MichaelDeBellis In my previous work life I did research in software engineering, formal methods, and artificial intelligence. I was Principal Investigator for a major project in the USAF's Knowledge Based Software Assistant program. I also worked as an IT consultant helping clients adopt new technologies and build AI and Internet systems. A while ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and couldn't continue with the stressful kinds of work I had been doing. Now I alternate my time between doing my own research and consulting for clients looking to use Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies.

MDeBellis has the homepage https://symbolicshacker.blogspot.com/.

His best friend is Jane Doe.

RDF Export

... more about "MDeBellis"
Foaf:homepageHolds the URL of the homepage of something, which is a general web resource to learn more about a topic.
Foaf:knowsHolds information describing the relationship between one person to another that he or she knows.
Foaf:nameHolds the name for someone or something.
MDeBellis +
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