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Cats (known as Felis catus) are small, domesticated carnivorous mammals that have been companions to humans for thousands of years. They are valued for their companionship and their ability to hunt pests. Cats are known for their agility, curiosity, and independent nature.

General Information

Unique Characteristics

Popularity and Cultural Impact

Cats hold High significance globally due to their roles in human life. They are Companionship, pest control, therapy animals and are featured in art, literature, and media throughout history.

Major Cat Breeds

 Role Name
CatsCompanionship, pest control, therapy animals
CatsCompanionship, pest control, therapy animals

Famous Cats

 Cat NameSpecies
CatsGrumpy Cat
Felis catus

Throughout history and pop culture, cats have captured human imagination:

  • Grumpy Cat – Known for her unique facial expression and internet fame.
  • Tom – The animated cat from Tom and Jerry.
  • Garfield – The lasagna-loving cartoon character.

Notable Roles

Cats have played various roles in human life:

  • Companionship – Providing emotional support and companionship.
  • Pest Control – Natural hunters of rodents and pests.
  • Therapy Animals – Used in therapy programs for stress relief and mental health.

Global Popularity

Cats enjoy Global recognition and admiration as beloved pets.

List of Major roles

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