Create queries that represent your data

From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Create queries that represent your data with formatting you I'd like to have inspected. Describing how the output should look like after it is demonstrated how it looks at the the moment of the observation is an important task to "create a quality example".

Simple query

{{#ask: [[Is a::+]] [[Category: Create a quality example]]
 |?Is a
 Is a
Create page(s) with your dataAnnotation made using
Create page(s) with your dataSimple annotation
Annotation made using

Template query

{{#ask: [[Is a::+]] [[Category: Create a quality example]]
 |?Is a
 |template=How to create a quality example/Template formatter/Main
 |introtemplate=How to create a quality example/Template formatter/Top
 |outrotemplate=How to create a quality example/Template formatter/Bottom

Subject Is a
Create page(s) with your data Annotation made using#subobject
Create page(s) with your data Simple annotation, Annotation made using#set
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