Issue/1481 (Fulltext)/URI examples

From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Partial matching

{{#ask: [[Category:Url example]] [[Has url::~CCC*]]
 |?Has url
Debug outputElasticStore
{ "smw": { "query": "[[Category:Url example]] [[Has url::~CCC*]]", "sort": { "": "ASC" }, "metrics": { "query size": 3, "query depth": 1 }, "description_log": [ { "Conjunction": "[[Catégorie:Url example]] [[Has Url::~http://CCC*]]" }, [ { "ClassDescription": "[[Catégorie:Url example]]" } ], [ { "SomeProperty": "[[Has Url::~http://CCC*]]" } ] ] }, "elastic": [ { "index": "smw-data-db9910120150926-02100_", "body": { "_source": false, "from": 0, "size": 251, "query": { "constant_score": { "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "bool": { "filter": [ { "term": { "P:4.wpgID": 3168 } } ] } }, { "bool": { "must": { "query_string": { "fields": [ "P:1997.uriField.lowercase" ], "query": "+CCC*" } } } } ] } } } }, "sort": [ { "subject.sortkey.sort": { "order": "asc" }, "subject.title.sort": { "order": "asc" } } ] } }, { "_shards": { "total": 1, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "valid": true, "explanations": [ { "index": "smw-data-db9910120150926-02100_-v1", "valid": true, "explanation": "ConstantScore(+(#P:4.wpgID:[3168 TO 3168]) +(+(+P:1997.uriField.lowercase:CCC*)))" } ] } ] }
{{#ask: [[Category:Url example]] [[Has url::~bbb*]]
 |?Has url
 Attribut:Has URL
Issue/1481 (Fulltext)/URI examples
Issue/1481 (Fulltext)/URI examples
{{#ask: [[Category:Url example]] [[Has url::~AAA*]]
 |?Has url


 |@category=Url example
 |Has url=
 |@category=Url example
 |Has url=
 |@category=Url example
 |Has url=
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