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< NFL:2009
Season: 2009 (play-by-play), nflscrapR import version: 1
Description: (3:06) C.Pennington pass incomplete short left to G.Camarillo. Miami challenged the incomplete pass ruling, and the play was REVERSED. C.Pennington pass short left to G.Camarillo to ATL 42 for 15 yards (C.Houston).
Game events breakdown
Counted events: 73
... davantage au sujet de « 2009/2009091300/1482 »
NFL:AbsScoreDiffAbsolute value of the score differential
7 +
NFL:AcceptedPenaltyBinary: 1 if penalty was accepted else 0
faux +
NFL:AirYardsNumber of yards the ball was thrown in the air for both complete and incomplete pass attempts (negative means behind line of scrimmage)
15 +
NFL:AwayTeamThe away team
NFL:AwayTimeoutsRemainingPostNumber of timeouts remaining for away team at the end of the play (handles loss of timeout from lost challenge)
3 +
NFL:AwayTimeoutsRemainingPreNumber of timeouts remaining for away team at the start of the play
3 +
NFL:AwayWPpostThe win probability for the away team at the end of the play
0,34644 +
NFL:AwayWPpreThe win probability for the away team at the start of the play
0,29838 +
NFL:ChalReplayResultResult of the replay review: Upheld or Reversed
Reversed +
NFL:ChallengeReplayBinary: 1 if play was reviewed by the replay official else 0
vrai +
NFL:DefTeamScoreThe score of the defensive team
7 +
NFL:DefensiveTeamThe defensive team on the play (for punts the receiving team is on defense, for kickoffs the receiving team is on offense)
NFL:DescriptionA detailed description of what occured during the play
(3:06) C.Pennington pass incomplete short left to G.Camarillo. Miami challenged the incomplete pass ruling, and the play was REVERSED. C.Pennington pass short left to G.Camarillo to ATL 42 for 15 yards (C.Houston). +
NFL:EPAExpected points added with respect to the possession team considering the result of the play
1,421 +
NFL:ExPointProbProbability of the possession team making the PAT
0,00000 +
NFL:ExpPtsThe expected points for the possession team at the start of the play
1,168 +
NFL:FieldGoalProbProbability of the possession team scoring a field goal next
0,16436 +
NFL:FirstDownBinary: 1 if the play resulted in a first down conversion else 0
vrai +
NFL:FumbleBinary: 1 if a fumble occured else no
faux +
NFL:GameIDThe ID of the specified game
2009091300 +
NFL:GoalToGoBinary: 1 if the play is in a goal down situation else 0
faux +
NFL:HomeTeamThe home team
NFL:HomeTimeoutsRemainingPostNumber of timeouts remaining for home team at the end of the play (handles loss of timeout from lost challenge)
3 +
NFL:HomeTimeoutsRemainingPreNumber of timeouts remaining for home team at the start of the play
3 +
NFL:HomeWPpostThe win probability for the home team at the end of the play
0,65356 +
NFL:HomeWPpreThe win probability for the home team at the start of the play
0,70162 +
NFL:InterceptionThrownBinary: 1 if an interception else 0
faux +
NFL:NoScoreProbProbability of no score occurring within the half
0,40088 +
NFL:OnsidekickBinary: 1 if the kickoff was an onside kick
faux +
NFL:OppFieldGoalProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a field goal next
0,07724 +
NFL:OppSafetyProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a safety next
0,00102 +
NFL:OppTouchdownProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a touchdown next
0,11253 +
NFL:PassAttemptBinary: 1 if a pass was attempted else 0
vrai +
NFL:PassLengthCategorical variable indicating the length of the pass: Short or Deep
Short +
NFL:PassLocationLocation of the pass: left, middle, right
left +
NFL:PassOutcomePass Result: Complete or Incomplete Pass
Incomplete Pass +
NFL:PasserThe passer on the play if it was a pass play
NFL:PasserIDNFL GSIS player ID for the passer
00-0019559 +
NFL:PenaltyYardsThe number of yards that the penalty resulted in
0 +
NFL:PlayAttemptedA variable used to count the number of plays in a game (should always be equal to 1)
1 +
NFL:PlayTimeDiffThe time difference between plays in seconds
7 +
NFL:PlayTypeThe type of play that occured
Pass +
NFL:PosTeamScoreThe score of the possession team (offensive team)
0 +
NFL:ReceiverThe targeted receiver of a play
NFL:ReceiverIDNFL GSIS player ID for the receiver
00-0023408 +
NFL:ReceptionBinary: 1 if a reception was recorded else 0
faux +
NFL:RushAttemptBinary: 1 if a run was attempted else 0
faux +
NFL:RusherIDNFL GSIS player ID for the rusher
NFL:SafetyBinary: 1 if safety was recorded else 0
faux +
NFL:SafetyProbProbability of the possession team scoring a safety next
0,00218 +
NFL:ScoreDiffThe difference in score between the offensive and defensive teams (offensive.score - def.score)
-7 +
2009 +
NFL:SideofFieldThe side of the field that the line of scrimmage is on
NFL:Tackler1The primary tackler on the play
NFL:TimeSecsTime remaining in game in seconds
1 986 +
NFL:TimeUnderMinutes remaining in half
4 +
NFL:TimeoutIndicatorBinary: 1 if a timeout was charge else 0
faux +
NFL:TimeoutTeamTeam charged with penalty (None if no timeout)
NFL:TouchdownBinary: 1 if the play resulted in a TD else 0
faux +
NFL:TouchdownProbProbability of the possession team scoring a touchdown next
0,24178 +
NFL:TwoPointProbProbability of the possession team converting the two-point conversion
0,00000 +
NFL:WinProbThe win probability added for team with possession
0,29838 +
NFL:YardsAfterCatchNumber of yards receiver gained after catch
0 yd +
NFL:YardsGainedAmount of yards gained on the play
15 +
NFL:airEPAExpected points added from air yards
1,499 +
NFL:airWPAThe win probability added from air yards
0,0516 +
NFL:nflscrapR import versionImport version for data retrieved from
1 +
1 482 +
NFL:posteamThe team on offense
NFL:posteamtimeoutspreNumber of timeouts remaining for possession team at the start of the play
3 +
NFL:yacEPAExpected points added from yards after catch
-0,0785 +
NFL:yacWPAThe win probability from yards after catch
-0,0035 +
NFL:ydsnetTotal yards gained on a given drive
22 yd +
NFL:ydstogoYards to go for a first down
3 yd +
NFL:yrdline100Distance to opponents endzone, ranges from 1-99 situation
57 +