Result format "graph"

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⧼validator-describe-header-parameter⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-aliases⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-type⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-default⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-description⧽
graphname - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ QueryResult Sets the title of the graph
graphsize - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Sets the size of the graph in pixels
graphfontsize - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 10 ⧼srf-paramdesc-graphfontsize⧽
graphlegend - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Sets whether a graph legend should be shown
graphlabel - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Sets the font size in pixels
graphlink - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Sets whether nodes should link to their wiki pages
graphcolor - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Sets the color of the graph
arrowdirection rankdir ⧼validator-type-string⧽ LR Sets the direction of the arrows
arrowhead - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ normal ⧼srf-paramdesc-arrowhead⧽
nodeshape - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ no Sets the shape of each node on the graph
relation - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ child Sets whether the subjects or nameproperties are parents or childs
wordwraplimit - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 25 Sets the word wrap limit (in number of characters)
nodelabel - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Use a graph node label. Allowed values: displaytitle.
graphfields - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Display non-page property values within graph nodes rather than as edges.


(validator-describe-header-parameter) (validator-describe-header-aliases) (validator-describe-header-type) (validator-describe-header-default) (validator-describe-header-description)
graphname - (validator-type-string) QueryResult (srf-paramdesc-graphname)
graphsize - (validator-type-string) (validator-describe-empty) (srf-paramdesc-graphsize)
graphfontsize - (validator-type-integer) 10 (srf-paramdesc-graphfontsize)
graphlegend - (validator-type-boolean) no (srf-paramdesc-graphlegend)
graphlabel - (validator-type-boolean) no (srf-paramdesc-graphlabel)
graphlink - (validator-type-boolean) no (srf-paramdesc-graphlink)
graphcolor - (validator-type-boolean) no (srf-paramdesc-graphcolor)
arrowdirection rankdir (validator-type-string) LR (srf-paramdesc-rankdir)
arrowhead - (validator-type-string) normal (srf-paramdesc-arrowhead)
nodeshape - (validator-type-string) no (srf-paramdesc-graph-nodeshape)
relation - (validator-type-string) child (srf-paramdesc-graph-relation)
wordwraplimit - (validator-type-integer) 25 (srf-paramdesc-graph-wwl)
nodelabel - (validator-type-string) (validator-describe-empty) (srf-paramdesc-nodelabel)
graphfields - (validator-type-boolean) no (srf-paramdesc-graphfields)


⧼validator-describe-header-parameter⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-aliases⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-type⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-default⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-description⧽
graphname - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ QueryResult Legt den Titel der Grafik fest
graphsize - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Legt die Größe der Grafik in Pixeln fest
graphfontsize - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 10 ⧼srf-paramdesc-graphfontsize⧽
graphlegend - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Legt fest, ob eine Legende zur Grafik angezeigt werden soll
graphlabel - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Legt die Schriftgröße in Pixeln fest
graphlink - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Legt fest, ob die Verzweigungspunkte auf ihre Wikiseiten verlinken sollen
graphcolor - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Legt die Farbe der Grafik fest
arrowdirection rankdir ⧼validator-type-string⧽ LR Legt die Richtung der Pfeile fest
arrowhead - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ normal ⧼srf-paramdesc-arrowhead⧽
nodeshape - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ no Legt die Form der Verzweigungspunkte in der Grafik fest
relation - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ child Legt fest, ob die Bezeichnungen oder Namensattribute über- oder untergeordnete Objekte sind
wordwraplimit - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 25 Legt die Wortumbruchgrenze fest (in Anzahl der Zeichen)
nodelabel - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Legt fest, ob die Knoten der Grafik ein Beschriftung erhalten sollen. Möglicher Wert: displaytitle
graphfields - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Legt fest, ob die Attributwerte in den Knoten der Grafik anstatt an den Rändern der Grafik angezeigt werden sollen


⧼validator-describe-header-parameter⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-aliases⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-type⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-default⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-description⧽
graphname - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ QueryResult Définit le titre du graphique
graphsize - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Fixe la taille du graphique en pixels
graphfontsize - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 10 ⧼srf-paramdesc-graphfontsize⧽
graphlegend - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Indique si la légende d’un graphique devrait être affichée
graphlabel - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Définit la taille de police en pixels
graphlink - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Indique si les nœuds doivent être liés à leur page wiki
graphcolor - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Définit la couleur du graphique
arrowdirection rankdir ⧼validator-type-string⧽ LR Définit la direction des flèches
arrowhead - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ normal ⧼srf-paramdesc-arrowhead⧽
nodeshape - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ no Fixe la forme de chaque nœud sur le graphique
relation - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ child Indique si les sujets ou les propriétés de nom sont des parents ou des enfants
wordwraplimit - ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 25 Définit la limite de césure des mots (en nombre de caractères)
nodelabel - ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Utiliser un libellé de nœud de graphe. Valeurs autorisées : « displaytitle ».
graphfields - ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Afficher les valeurs de propriété hors page dans les nœuds du graphique plutôt que sous forme d’arêtes.
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