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NFL:AcceptedPenaltyBinary: 1 if penalty was accepted else 0
faux +
NFL:AirYardsNumber of yards the ball was thrown in the air for both complete and incomplete pass attempts (negative means behind line of scrimmage)
0 +
NFL:AwayTeamThe away team
NFL:AwayTimeoutsRemainingPostNumber of timeouts remaining for away team at the end of the play (handles loss of timeout from lost challenge)
2 +
NFL:AwayTimeoutsRemainingPreNumber of timeouts remaining for away team at the start of the play
2 +
NFL:ChallengeReplayBinary: 1 if play was reviewed by the replay official else 0
faux +
NFL:DescriptionA detailed description of what occured during the play
Two-Minute Warning +
NFL:EPAExpected points added with respect to the possession team considering the result of the play
0,971 +
NFL:ExPointProbProbability of the possession team making the PAT
0,00000 +
NFL:ExpPtsThe expected points for the possession team at the start of the play
0 +
NFL:FieldGoalProbProbability of the possession team scoring a field goal next
0,00000 +
NFL:FirstDownBinary: 1 if the play resulted in a first down conversion else 0
faux +
NFL:FumbleBinary: 1 if a fumble occured else no
faux +
NFL:GameIDThe ID of the specified game
2012090906 +
NFL:GoalToGoBinary: 1 if the play is in a goal down situation else 0
faux +
NFL:HomeTeamThe home team
NFL:HomeTimeoutsRemainingPostNumber of timeouts remaining for home team at the end of the play (handles loss of timeout from lost challenge)
0 +
NFL:HomeTimeoutsRemainingPreNumber of timeouts remaining for home team at the start of the play
0 +
NFL:InterceptionThrownBinary: 1 if an interception else 0
faux +
NFL:NoScoreProbProbability of no score occurring within the half
0,00000 +
NFL:OnsidekickBinary: 1 if the kickoff was an onside kick
faux +
NFL:OppFieldGoalProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a field goal next
0,00000 +
NFL:OppSafetyProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a safety next
0,00000 +
NFL:OppTouchdownProbProbability of the defensive team scoring a touchdown next
0,00000 +
NFL:PassAttemptBinary: 1 if a pass was attempted else 0
faux +
NFL:PasserIDNFL GSIS player ID for the passer
None +
NFL:PenaltyYardsThe number of yards that the penalty resulted in
0 +
NFL:PlayAttemptedA variable used to count the number of plays in a game (should always be equal to 1)
1 +
NFL:PlayTimeDiffThe time difference between plays in seconds
13 +
NFL:PlayTypeThe type of play that occured
Two Minute Warning +
NFL:ReceiverIDNFL GSIS player ID for the receiver
None +
NFL:ReceptionBinary: 1 if a reception was recorded else 0
faux +
NFL:RushAttemptBinary: 1 if a run was attempted else 0
faux +
NFL:RusherIDNFL GSIS player ID for the rusher
NFL:SafetyBinary: 1 if safety was recorded else 0
faux +
NFL:SafetyProbProbability of the possession team scoring a safety next
0,00000 +
2012 +
NFL:SideofFieldThe side of the field that the line of scrimmage is on
NFL:TimeSecsTime remaining in game in seconds
120 +
NFL:TimeUnderMinutes remaining in half
2 +
NFL:TimeoutIndicatorBinary: 1 if a timeout was charge else 0
faux +
NFL:TimeoutTeamTeam charged with penalty (None if no timeout)
NFL:TouchdownBinary: 1 if the play resulted in a TD else 0
faux +
NFL:TouchdownProbProbability of the possession team scoring a touchdown next
0,00000 +
NFL:TwoPointProbProbability of the possession team converting the two-point conversion
0,00000 +
NFL:YardsAfterCatchNumber of yards receiver gained after catch
0 yd +
NFL:YardsGainedAmount of yards gained on the play
0 +
NFL:nflscrapR import versionImport version for data retrieved from
1 +
4 661 +
NFL:posteamtimeoutspreNumber of timeouts remaining for possession team at the start of the play
2 +
NFL:ydsnetTotal yards gained on a given drive
19 yd +
NFL:ydstogoYards to go for a first down
0 yd +
NFL:yrdline100Distance to opponents endzone, ranges from 1-99 situation
39 +
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22:19:03, 5 décembre 2018 +
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09:21:45, 3 juin 2019 +
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faux +
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11 354 +
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2 039 +
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3 +
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88 +
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NFL:2012/2012090906/116 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/1499 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/1612 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/2191 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/243 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3082 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3794 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3828 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3854 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3932 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/3976 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/4289 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/4317 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/4640 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/508 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/617 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/693 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/72 +, NFL:2012/2012090906/778 +...
Référence de requête« Possède une requête <span style="font-size:small;">(Has query)</span> » est une propriété prédéfinie qui représente les méta-informations (sous la forme d’un <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">sous-objet</a>) au sujet de requêtes individuelles. Ceci est fourni par <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">MediaWiki Sémantique</a>.
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