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Liste de résultats
- AspectJ in Action, Second Edition + (AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a ful … AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a fully updated, major revision of Ramnivas Laddad's best-selling first edition. It's a hands-on guide for Java developers. After introducing the core principles of AOP, it shows you how to create reusable solutions using AspectJ 6 and Spring 3. You'll master key features including annotation-based syntax, load-time weaver, annotation-based crosscutting, and Spring-AspectJ integration. Building on familiar technologies such as JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Security, Spring MVC, and Swing, you'll apply AOP to common problems encountered in enterprise encountered in enterprise applications.)
- Agile ALM + (Many software projects fail unnecessarily … Many software projects fail unnecessarily because of unclear objectives, redundant and unproductive work, cost overruns, and a host of other avoidable process problems. In response, agile processes and lightweight tooling have begun to replace traditional engineering processes throughout the development lifecycle. An agile approach to application lifecycle management improves product quality, reduces time to market, and makes for happier developers. Agile ALM is a guide for Java developers who want to integrate flexible agile practices and lightweight tooling along all phases of the software development process. The book introduces a new vision for managing change in requirements and process more efficiently and flexibly. You'll learn powerful practices like task-based Development, where you align activities into tasks resulting in traceable artifacts, Continuous Integration, in which you frequently and systematically integrate, build, and test an application in development and using Scrum as an agile approach to release management. The effect is a more comprehensive and practical approach to build, configuration, deployment, release, test, quality, integration, and requirements management. This book synthesizes technical and functional elements to provide a comprehensive approach to software development. You'll learn to see the whole scope of the development process as a set of defined tasks, many of which are repeated daily, and then master the tools and practices you need to accomplish each of those tasks efficiently. Because efficient tool chains can radically improve the speed and fluidity of the development process, this book demonstrates how to integrate state-of-the-art lightweight tools. Many of the tools and examples are Java-based, but the Agile ALM principles apply to all development platforms. As well, the many examples show how you can bridge different languages and bridge different languages and systems.)
- Hibernate in Action + ("2005 Best Java Book!" -- Java Developer's Journal)
- Hibernate Quickly +
- Flex on Java + (A beautifully written book that is a must have for every Java Developer. Ashish Kulkarni, Technical Director, E-Business Software Solutions Ltd.)
- Client/Server Applications on ATM Networks + (Client/Server Appliactions on ATM Networks discusses ATM as the key technology for transforming the enterprise network from data-only to an integrated data, voice, video, image and multimedia corporate infrastructure.)
- Object Oriented Application Frameworks + (Frameworks are object-oriented programming environments for vertical application areas. This book is the first to survey this exciting new technology, its concepts, and practical applications.)
- Dependency Injection + (If you do large scale java apps, you probably want to have someone on the team have this book. Michael Neale)
- Making Sense of Java + (Making Sense of Java clearly and concisely explains the concepts, features, benefits, potential, and limitations of Java.)
- Up to Speed with Swing, Second Edition + (Now in its Second Edition, Up to Speed with Swing is for you if you want to get on the fast track to Java Swing. The second edition has been extensively updated to cover Java 1.2 with additional code examples and illustrations.)
- Java Development with Ant + (The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team J2EE projects. And, most important, it's easy to learn.)
- Ant in Action + (The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team enterprise projects. And, most important, it s easy to learn.)
- Instant Messaging in Java + (This intermediate Java programming book provides Java programmers with the information and tools needed to create your own IM client and server software.)
- Hibernate Quickly + ("If you want to learn Hibernate quickly, this book shows you step by step." - Sang Shin, Java Technology Architect, Sun Microsystems)
- Hibernate in Action + ("2005 Best Java Book!" -- Java Developer's Journal)
- Hibernate Quickly +
- Flex on Java + (A beautifully written book that is a must have for every Java Developer. Ashish Kulkarni, Technical Director, E-Business Software Solutions Ltd.)
- Client/Server Applications on ATM Networks + (Client/Server Appliactions on ATM Networks discusses ATM as the key technology for transforming the enterprise network from data-only to an integrated data, voice, video, image and multimedia corporate infrastructure.)
- Object Oriented Application Frameworks + (Frameworks are object-oriented programming environments for vertical application areas. This book is the first to survey this exciting new technology, its concepts, and practical applications.)
- Dependency Injection + (If you do large scale java apps, you probably want to have someone on the team have this book. Michael Neale)
- Making Sense of Java + (Making Sense of Java clearly and concisely explains the concepts, features, benefits, potential, and limitations of Java.)
- Up to Speed with Swing, Second Edition + (Now in its Second Edition, Up to Speed with Swing is for you if you want to get on the fast track to Java Swing. The second edition has been extensively updated to cover Java 1.2 with additional code examples and illustrations.)
- Java Development with Ant + (The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team J2EE projects. And, most important, it's easy to learn.)
- Ant in Action + (The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team enterprise projects. And, most important, it s easy to learn.)
- Instant Messaging in Java + (This intermediate Java programming book provides Java programmers with the information and tools needed to create your own IM client and server software.)
- Agile ALM + (Many software projects fail unnecessarily … Many software projects fail unnecessarily because of unclear objectives, redundant and unproductive work, cost overruns, and a host of other avoidable process problems. In response, agile processes and lightweight tooling have begun to replace traditional engineering processes throughout the development lifecycle. An agile approach to application lifecycle management improves product quality, reduces time to market, and makes for happier developers. Agile ALM is a guide for Java developers who want to integrate flexible agile practices and lightweight tooling along all phases of the software development process. The book introduces a new vision for managing change in requirements and process more efficiently and flexibly. You'll learn powerful practices like task-based Development, where you align activities into tasks resulting in traceable artifacts, Continuous Integration, in which you frequently and systematically integrate, build, and test an application in development and using Scrum as an agile approach to release management. The effect is a more comprehensive and practical approach to build, configuration, deployment, release, test, quality, integration, and requirements management. This book synthesizes technical and functional elements to provide a comprehensive approach to software development. You'll learn to see the whole scope of the development process as a set of defined tasks, many of which are repeated daily, and then master the tools and practices you need to accomplish each of those tasks efficiently. Because efficient tool chains can radically improve the speed and fluidity of the development process, this book demonstrates how to integrate state-of-the-art lightweight tools. Many of the tools and examples are Java-based, but the Agile ALM principles apply to all development platforms. As well, the many examples show how you can bridge different languages and bridge different languages and systems.)
- AspectJ in Action, Second Edition + (AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a ful … AspectJ in Action, Second Edition is a fully updated, major revision of Ramnivas Laddad's best-selling first edition. It's a hands-on guide for Java developers. After introducing the core principles of AOP, it shows you how to create reusable solutions using AspectJ 6 and Spring 3. You'll master key features including annotation-based syntax, load-time weaver, annotation-based crosscutting, and Spring-AspectJ integration. Building on familiar technologies such as JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Security, Spring MVC, and Swing, you'll apply AOP to common problems encountered in enterprise encountered in enterprise applications.)
- Distributed Agile in Action + (Distributed Agile in Action is the first b … Distributed Agile in Action is the first book to directly address the unique task of going Agile in a distributed team. Rather than rehashing Agile theories, this book supplies the practical examples and step by step advice you need to help your distributed teams adopt and embrace Agile principles. It's a distilled and carefully organized learning aid for working in a distributed Agile environment, with in-depth focus on how to approach three critical components of development-People, Process and Technology.evelopment-People, Process and Technology.)
- EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition + (Building on the bestselling first edition, … Building on the bestselling first edition, EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition tackles EJB 3.1 head-on, through numerous code samples, real-life scenarios, and illustrations. This book is a fast-paced tutorial for Java EE 6 business component development using EJB 3.1, JPA 2 and CDI. Besides covering the basics of EJB 3.1, this book includes in-depth EJB 3.1 internal implementation details, best practices, design patterns, and performance tuning tips. The book also discusses using open source frameworks like Seam and Spring with EJB 3.1.meworks like Seam and Spring with EJB 3.1.)
- Erlang and OTP in Action + (Erlang and OTP in Action teaches you to ap … Erlang and OTP in Action teaches you to apply Erlang's shared-state model for concurrent programming--a completely different way of tackling the problem of parallel programming from the more common multi-threaded approach. This book walks you through the practical considerations and steps of building systems in Erlang and integrating them with real-world C/C++, Java, and .NET applications. Unlike other books on the market, Erlang and OTP in Action offers a comprehensive view of how concurrency relates to SOA and web technologies.rency relates to SOA and web technologies.)
- Grails in Action + (Grails in Action is a comprehensive guide … Grails in Action is a comprehensive guide to the Grails framework. First, the basics: the domain model, controllers, views, and services. Then, the fun! Dive into a Twitter-style app with features like AJAX/JSON, animation, search, wizards even messaging and Jabber integration. Along the way, you'll discover loads of great plugins that'll make your app shine. Learn to integrate with existing Java systems using Spring and Hibernate. You'll need basic familiarity with Java and the web.d basic familiarity with Java and the web.)
- Java Applets and Channels Without Programming + (Java Applets and Channels Without Programm … Java Applets and Channels Without Programming collects almost 100 applets on a CD with detailed instructions on how to use each applet. In addition, style issues are discussed in detail; not only will you learn how to use each applet, you will learn when and where it is appropriate to use each applet. The book also introduces the new concept of channels and shows how these can be used on your web site as well.hese can be used on your web site as well.)
- Object Technology Centers of Excellence + (Object Technology Centers of Excellence pr … Object Technology Centers of Excellence provides guidance to those charged with managing the shift to object technology. It is the only book on the market aimed not at the project level but at the corporate level, with a focus on the infrastructures necessary for a successful transition.res necessary for a successful transition.)
- Scala in Depth + (Scala in Depth is a unique new book design … Scala in Depth is a unique new book designed to help you integrate Scala effectively into your development process. By presenting the emerging best practices and designs from the Scala community, it guides you though dozens of powerful techniques example by example. There's no heavy-handed theory here-just lots of crisp, practical guides for coding in Scala. For example: </br>* Discover the "sweet spots" where object-oriented and functional programming intersect. </br>* Master advanced OO features of Scala, including type member inheritance, multiple inheritance and composition. </br>* Employ functional programming concepts like tail recursion, immutability, and monadic operations. </br>* Learn good Scala style to keep your code concise, expressive and readable. As you dig into the book, you'll start to appreciate what makes Scala really shine. For instance, the Scala type system is very, very powerful; this book provides use case approaches to manipulating the type system and covers how to use type constraints to enforce design constraints. Java developers love Scala's deep integration with Java and the JVM Ecosystem, and this book shows you how to leverage it effectively and work around the rough spots.fectively and work around the rough spots.)
- SNA and TCP/IP Enterprise Networking + (SNA and TCP/IP Enterprise Networking shows … SNA and TCP/IP Enterprise Networking shows the reader how enterprise networking evolved, what approaches and techniques can be used today, and where tomorrow's trends lie, illustrating among others Web-to-SNA connectivity and Java based integration approaches.ity and Java based integration approaches.)
- SOA Patterns + (In SOA Patterns, author Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz … In SOA Patterns, author Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz provides detailed, technology-neutral solutions to these challenges, and many others. This book provides architectural guidance through patterns and anti-patterns. It shows you how to build real SOA services that feature flexibility, availability, and scalability.lexibility, availability, and scalability.)
- Silverlight 4 in Action, Revised Edition + (Silverlight in Action, Revised Edition is … Silverlight in Action, Revised Edition is a comprehensive guide to Silverlight, taking you from Hello World through the techniques you'll need to build sophisticated rich web apps. This new edition covers all the new features added in the latest versions of Silverlight, Visual Studio, and Expression Blend, along with the best practices emerging in the Silverlight community. With more than 50% new content, you'll take a mind-expanding trip through the technology, features, and techniques required to build applications ranging from media, to custom experiences, to business applications to games.iences, to business applications to games.)
- Spring in Action, Third Edition + (Spring in Action, Third Edition has been c … Spring in Action, Third Edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest features, tools, practices Spring offers to java developers. It begins by introducing the core concepts of Spring and then quickly launches into a hands-on exploration of the framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows you how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications.ld simple and efficient J2EE applications.)
- The Awesome Power of PowerJ + (The Awesome Power of PowerJ shows you how … The Awesome Power of PowerJ shows you how you can write Java programs the very first day with PowerJ, even if you don't know Java. Through a hands-on approach that makes liberal use of figures and code snippets, you will learn how to use PowerJ to build effective Java applets and applications.d effective Java applets and applications.)