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Text Used to store strings of arbitrary length. (en)

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Elasticsearch failed for no obvious reason.  +
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== Header ==  +
<h2>Header</h2>  +
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Hello1  +, Hello2  +, Hello3  +
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu f  +
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AB C  +
Journal article  +
Journal article  +
Information about people  +
Capital city of Germany.  +
Book  +
... The principles of definition, the law of contradiction, the fallacy of arguing in a circle, the distinction between the essence and accidents of a thing or notion, between means and ends, between causes and conditions; also the division of the mind into the rational, concupiscent, and irascible elements, or of pleasures and desires into necessary and unnecessary --these and other great forms of thought are all of them to be found in the Republic, and were probably first invented by Plato. The greatest of all logical truths, and the one of which writers on philosophy are most apt to lose sight, the difference between words and things, has been most strenuously insisted on by him, although he has not always avoided the confusion of them in his own writings. ...  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Simple recurring events text  +
Information about people  +
Information about people  +
Information about people  +
-{[a]b}html character entity  +, -{[a]b}semantic link  +, -{[a]b}template  +,
Amsterdam  +
Europe  +
Heineken Music Hall  +
Netherlands  +
Text  +
Information about people  +
Import annotation  +
Pipe1  +, Pipe2  +, Pipe3  +
Pipe1  +, Pipe2  +, Pipe3  +
Pipe1,Pipe2  +, Pipe3,Pipe4  +, Pipe5  +,
Pipe1,Pipe2  +, Pipe3,Pipe4  +, Pipe5,Pipe6  +
Pipe1  +, Pipe2,Pipe3  +, Pipe4,Pipe5  +,
Pipe1,Pipe2  +, Pipe3,Pipe4  +, Pipe5,Pipe6  +
Pipe1  +, Pipe2  +, Pipe3  +,
このチュートリアルでは、私はどのようにデータベースを管理する方法を紹介します  +
おはようございます  +
データベース管理  +
ありがとうございます  +
データベースアプリケーション開発  +
データベースアプリケーションを開発することを学ぶ  +
测试中文搜索...  +
hello, this is a full text search test.  +
The Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or Statesman is more ideal; the form and institutions of the State are more clearly drawn out in the Laws; as works of art, the Symposium and the Protagoras are of higher excellence. But no other Dialogue of Plato has the same largeness of view and the same perfection of style; no other shows an equal knowledge of the world, or contains more of those thoughts which are new as well as old, and not of one age only but of all. Nowhere in Plato is there a deeper irony or a greater wealth of humor or imagery, or more dramatic power. Nor in any other of his writings is the attempt made to interweave life and speculation, or to connect politics with philosophy. The Republic is the centre around which the other Dialogues may be grouped; here philosophy reaches the highest point to which ancient thinkers ever attained. Plato among the Greeks, like Bacon among the moderns, was the first who conceived a method of knowledge, although neither of them always distinguished the bare outline or form from the substance of truth; and both of them had to be content with an abstraction of science which was not yet realized. He was the greatest metaphysical genius whom the world has seen; and in him, more than in any other ancient thinker, the germs of future knowledge are contained. The sciences of logic and psychology, which have supplied so many instruments of thought to after-ages, are based upon the analyses of Socrates and Plato. The principles of definition, the law of contradiction, the fallacy of arguing in a circle, the distinction between the essence and accidents of a thing or notion, between means and ends, between causes and conditions; also the division of the mind into the rational, concupiscent, and irascible elements, or of pleasures and desires into necessary and unnecessary --these and other great forms of thought are all of them to be found in the Republic, and were probably first invented by Plato. The greatest of all logical truths, and the one of which writers on philosophy are most apt to lose sight, the difference between words and things, has been most strenuously insisted on by him, although he has not always avoided the confusion of them in his own writings. But he does not bind up truth in logical formulae, --logic is still veiled in metaphysics; and the science which he imagines to "contemplate all truth and all existence" is very unlike the doctrine of the syllogism which Aristotle claims to have discovered. ...  
Oracle vs MariaDB database  +
MySQL vs MariaDB database  +
PostgreSQL vs MariaDB database and more of  +
I will tell you, Socrates, he said, what my own feeling is. Men of my age flock together; we are birds of a feather, as the old proverb says; and at our meetings the tale of my acquaintance commonly is --I cannot eat, I cannot drink; the pleasures of youth and love are fled away: there was a good time once, but now that is gone, and life is no longer life. Some complain ...  +
* 123 * 345   +
* 一二三 * 四五六 some text without indent   +
# abc # def   +
: ABC :: DEF   +
Some text * without indent  +
*Without space #123   +
[[Foo|Bar::Foobar]] [[File:Example.png|alt=Bar::Foobar|Caption]] [[File:Example.png|Bar::Foobar|link=Foo]]  +
SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Spring 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,  +
1abc  +
1234567890xyz  +
12xyz  +
12345678901234567890xyz  +
123xyz  +
1234xyz  +
12345xyz  +
123456xyz  +
1234567xyz  +
SMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,  +
Some text with a|pipe ...  +
CAseInSensitiveSearch  +
CAseIn  +
This text contains an external link to the [ Main Page] of another wiki.  +, This text contains an internal link to the [[Main Page]] of this wiki and an external link to the [ Main Page] of another wiki.  +, This text contains an internal link to the [[Main Page]] of this wiki.  +
abc  +
123  +, 456  +
123  +, 456  +
abc  +
AA-1000  +, AA-20-2500  +, AA-20-2D00  +,
0000001  +, 01  +
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