Lorem ipsum
From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox
Lorem ipsum | |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer justo Nam quis lobortis vel. Sapien nulla enim Lorem enim pede lorem nulla justo diam wisi. Libero Nam turpis neque leo scelerisque nec habitasse a lacus mattis. Accumsan tincidunt Sed adipiscing
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Has statusUsed in combination with a special property to limit allowed values for this property.: | closed |
Has pageUsed for properties whose value is a page in the wiki. These display as a link and may not be longer than 255 characters.: | Berlin |
Has url: | http://example.org/some/ |
Has annotation uriUsed in cases where a URL property needs to be exported as an "owl:AnnotationProperty". It is a variant of datatype URL.: | http://example.org/foaf.rdf |
Has emailUsed for simple e-mail addresses.: | Lorem@example.org |
Has telephone numberUsed for international telephone numbers that are to be stored in a standardized format.: | +1-201-555-5555 |
Has numberUsed for property values that contain any kind of number, integer, decimal, and floating point numbers.: | 1112 |
Has areaUsed for property values that describe quantities, in particular physical quantities such as time or distance.: | 12 sqmi |
Has temperatureUsed for temperature values. Unlike other physical quantities, temperature is specified as special quantity type.: | 100 °F |
Has wattageUsed for quantity property values that are displayed in kW but in support for several units.: | 42·42 hp |
Has dateUsed for data values that represent points in time.: | January 4·2010 7:00 pm·0005 |
Has recordUsed for property values that consist of a short list of values of other datatypes where individual value are separated with semicolons (;).: | Lorem enim; closed |
Has booleanUsed if a property can only have two possible values ("true" or "false", also 1/0, yes/no, t/f, and y/n).: | false |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer justo Nam quis lobortis vel. Sapien nulla enim Lorem enim pede lorem nulla justo diam wisi. Libero Nam turpis neque leo scelerisque nec habitasse a lacus mattis. Accumsan tincidunt Sed adipiscing nec facilisis tortor Nunc Sed ipsum tellus. Turpis pellentesque id sociis pede ipsum Quisque. Eu sed sed porta Integer pulvinar accumsan leo in semper lobortis. Urna vel mattis Pellentesque ante iaculis tincidunt et consequat Aliquam dictum.