Lorem ipsum Export
From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox
- Has page: Lorem ipsum Export
- Has number: 1001
- Has area: 10.25 km²".25km²" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
- Has date: 1 Jan 2014
- Has Url: http://loremipsum.org/
- Has annotation uri: http://loremipsum.org/foaf.rdf
- Has email: Lorem@ipsum.org
- Has temperature: 100 °C373.1500 K <br />212.0000 °F <br />671.6700 °R <br />
- Has wattage: 90019.001 kW <br />, 9002 W9.002 kW <br />, 10 kW
- Has telephone number: +1-201-555-0123
- Has record: Lorem ipsum (closed)
- Has status: open
- Has boolean: true
Additional properties
- Linz
- 4320 Schulverwaltung
- 1.0
- 345
- http://www.linz.gv.at
- keine
- Admin, Stefan Pawel
- krabina@kdz.or.at
- 30.10.2014
- 5. Phase
- jährlich
- Nein
- Testanmerkung
- Datensatz Testdatensatz Schulstandorte, Pendlerstatistik Linz 2010.csv
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 1
- 0
- 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655441234
- 22.05.2011
- Hauptwohnsitzbevölkerung der Stadt Linz für das Jahr 2010 gruppiert nach Geschlecht, Alter etc..
- Gesundheit
- Habitatmodell, Braunbär, Ursus arctos
- http://www.wien.gv.at/statistik/ogd/vie-district-pop-foreignborn.csv
- csv
- Magistrat Wien - Magistratsabteilung 33 - Wien Leuchtet
- Namensnennung 3.0 Österreich (CC BY 3.0)
- 2008/12/23
- OGD Austria Metadata 2.0
- ger
- utf8
- http://data.wien.gv.at/katalog/bevoelkerung-geburtsbundesland-wien.html
- ADRESSE: Adresse (Straßenname, Orientierungsnummer)
- http://www.wien.gv.at/freizeit/bildungjugend/
- Hauptwohnsitzbevölkerung
- 21.03.2011
- 15.01.2012
- Magistrat Wien - Abteilung 53 - Presse- und Informationsdienst
- Linz
- POLYGON ((-180.00-90.0 0,180.00-90.00,180.00 90.00,-180.00 90.00,-180.00-90.00))
- 2009/01/23 20:36:00
- monatlich, jährlich
- Der Datensatz wurde basierend auf der ÖK50, Stand 2011 digitalisiert. Es wurden alle Waldbestände für die Gemeinde Kopfing erfasst.
- Population of Vienna 2010. Contains the population of permanent residents of Vienna and it’s districts as a moving average in the census period 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2012
- 899652
- Datenquelle: CC-BY-3.0: Stadt Linz - data.linz.gv.at
- ger
- utf8
- http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/datenkatalog/geographie-und-planung/schummerungs-wms-tirol/
- "Datenverantwortliche Stelle – E-Mailkontakt" contains a listed "–" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.
RDF original
RDF additional properties
RDF both
... more about "Lorem ipsum Export"
URLUsed for the most common kinds of URLs, URNs, and URIs. It accepts almost any string and interprets it as a URL. ᵖ
Has annotation uriUsed in cases where a URL property needs to be exported as an "owl:AnnotationProperty". It is a variant of datatype URL.
Has booleanUsed if a property can only have two possible values ("true" or "false", also 1/0, yes/no, t/f, and y/n).
true +
Has emailUsed for simple e-mail addresses.
Has numberUsed for property values that contain any kind of number, integer, decimal, and floating point numbers.
1,001 +
Has pageUsed for properties whose value is a page in the wiki. These display as a link and may not be longer than 255 characters.
Has recordUsed for property values that consist of a short list of values of other datatypes where individual value are separated with semicolons (;).
Lorem ipsum (closed) +
Has statusUsed in combination with a special property to limit allowed values for this property.
open +
Has telephone numberUsed for international telephone numbers that are to be stored in a standardized format.
Has temperatureUsed for temperature values. Unlike other physical quantities, temperature is specified as special quantity type.
100.0000 °C (373.1500 K, 212.0000 °F, 671.6700 °R) +
Has wattageUsed for quantity property values that are displayed in kW but in support for several units.