Andrew Gomenyuk

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Andrew Gomenyuk
250pxProperty "Has portrait" (as page type) with input value "File:{{{portrait}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
nicknamenickname of an entity : renair
occupationoccupation of a person; see also field of work (Property:P101) : Student
Authority control

DISCLAIMER: This page is used for educational purpose only

Example of property is Kyiv

Example of table built with inline query

Andrew GomenyukKyiv
Ben Brode
Dasha GrushkaKremenchuk
Alexey Gorobecky
John Doe
Model Integration
Anastasia Zhyrkova
Luke Skywalker
Roger Federer
Anna Tsukanova
There Will Be Blood
Igor Morenets
Will Smith
Yaroslav Kladko

Visual info representation


Automatically generated list

Andrew Gomenyuk, Ben Brode, Dasha Grushka, Alexey Gorobecky, Transclusion/Transcluded, Helloworld123, John Doe, MDeBellis, MDeBellis/Test, Marco, Maxim, Model Integration, Anastasia Zhyrkova, Luke Skywalker, Roger Federer, Anna Tsukanova, Storyteller, There Will Be Blood, Igor Morenets, Will Smith, Yaroslav Kladko

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