
From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Bangalore is the capital city of Karnataka and in the region South India. It is located in India. As of 2016, the total resident population of Bangalore was estimated 11,556,907. Greater Bangalore covers an area of 741.00 km²286.108 sqmi <br />741,000 m² <br />183,105.101 acre <br />732,420.332 rood <br /> and has the coordinates 12° 58' 17.76" N, 77° 35' 40.56" E. It rains on 143 days per year on average.

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Has areaUsed for property values that describe quantities, in particular physical quantities such as time or distance.
741 km² (286.108 sqmi, 741,000 m², 183,105.101 acre, 732,420.332 rood) +
Has coordinatesUsed to describe the geographic coordinate of some place.
12° 58' 17.76" N, 77° 35' 40.56" ELatitude : 12.9716
Longitude : 77.5946
Has populationstatistics about the human population, i.e. people that live together in the same place
11,556,907 +
2,016 +
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