
From Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Beijing (local name: 北京市) is the capital of China. It's population is (21,700,000) and land area is (16411 km²6,336.451 sqmi <br />16,411,000 m² <br />4,055,246.719 acre <br />16,220,985.237 rood <br />). It is located in the north of China at the coordinates 39° 55' 0.00" N, 116° 23' 0.00" E.

... more about "Beijing"
Has areaUsed for property values that describe quantities, in particular physical quantities such as time or distance.
16,411 km² (6,336.451 sqmi, 16,411,000 m², 4,055,246.719 acre, 16,220,985.237 rood) +
Has coordinatesUsed to describe the geographic coordinate of some place.
39° 55' 0.00" N, 116° 23' 0.00" ELatitude : 39.916666666667
Longitude : 116.38333333333
Has populationstatistics about the human population, i.e. people that live together in the same place
21,700,000 +
北京市 +
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