Rechercher par propriété

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Cette page fournit une simple interface de navigation pour trouver des entités décrites par une propriété et une valeur nommée. D’autres interfaces de recherche disponibles comprennent la page recherche de propriété, et le constructeur de requêtes « ask ».

Rechercher par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Has descriptionSimple descriptive explanatory text property. » avec la valeur « Grand Teton is the tallest mountain in the Teton Range. The park's historic Jackson Hole and reflective piedmont lakes teem with endemic wildlife, with a backdrop of craggy mountains that rise abruptly from the sage-covered valley. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du nº 1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


Liste de résultats

  • Congaree  + (On the Congaree River, this park is the largest portion of old-growth floodplain forest left in North America. Some of the trees are the tallest in the eastern United States. An elevated walkway called the Boardwalk Loop guides visitors through the swamp.)
  • Seattle  + (Pike Place Market is a public market overlooking the Elliott Bay waterfront in Seattle, Washington, United States. The Market opened August 17, 1907, and is one of the oldest continuously operated public farmers' markets in the United States.)
  • Issue/1258  + (SMWCon Fall 2011 - SMW Performance Issues and How to Address Them''')
  • Issue/1258  + (SMWCon Fall 2012 - Architectural knowledge management with SMW)
  • Fichier:Es-sample-ingest-test.pdf  + (Sample file from the ES repository)
  • Bug/0001  + (Some bug that contains ...)
  • Catégorie:Foaf:Person  + (The Person class represents people. Something is a Person if it is a person. We don't nitpic about whether they're alive, dead, real, or imaginary. The Person class is a sub-class of the Agent class, since all people are considered 'agents' in FOAF.)
  • Seattle  + (The Seattle Art Museum is an art museum located in Seattle, Washington, USA. It maintains three major facilities)
  • Seattle  + (The Space Needle is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.)
  • Gates of the Arctic  + (The country's northernmost park protects an expanse of pure wilderness in Alaska's Brooks Range and has no park facilities. The land is home to Alaska Natives who have relied on the land and caribou for 11,000 years.)
  • Capitol Reef  + (The park's Waterpocket Fold is a 100-mile (160 km) monocline that exhibits the earth's diverse geologic layers. Other natural features include monoliths, cliffs, and sandstone domes shaped like the United States Capitol.)
  • Lake Clark  + (The region around Lake Clark features four active volcanoes, including Mount Redoubt, as well as an abundance of rivers, glaciers, and waterfalls. Temperate rainforests, a tundra plateau, and three mountain ranges complete the landscape.)
  • American Samoa  + (The southernmost National Park is on three Samoan islands and protects coral reefs, rainforests, volcanic mountains, and white beaches. The area is also home to flying foxes, brown boobies, sea turtles, and 900 species of fish.)
  • Virgin Islands  + (This island park on Saint John preserves Taíno archaeological sites and the ruins of sugar plantations from Columbus's time, as well as all the natural environs. Surrounding the pristine beaches are mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs.)
  • 20170622  + (This page has a description.)
  • Guadalupe Mountains  + (This park contains Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas, as well as the scenic McKittrick Canyon filled with bigtooth maples, a corner of the arid Chihuahuan Desert, and a fossilized coral reef from the Permian era.)
  • Hawaii Volcanoes  + (This park on the Big Island protects the Kīlauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, two of the world's most active geological features. Diverse ecosystems range from tropical forests at sea level to barren lava beds at more than 13,000 feet (4,000 m).)
  • Product/A  + (This product is about ...)
  • T0006: Board the Flying Dutchman  + (Turpis pellentesque id sociis pede ipsum Quisque. Eu sed sed porta Integer pulvinar accumsan leo in semper lobortis. Urna vel mattis Pellentesque ante iaculis tincidunt et consequat Aliquam dictum ...)
  • Issue/1157  + (Use inverse predefined properties in concept)
  • Issue/1172  + (Use of @category in #subobject)
  • Issue/1147  + (Use of columns=0 as responsive option)
  • Issue/Default form  + (When saving a page with a set form, the 'edit with form' link doesn't get set)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (Q1339)  + (German composer)
  • 東京の近い場所  + (花園神社 is a Shinto shrine located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. This shrine was founded in the mid-17th century ... [[wp:Hanazono Shrine]])
  • Grand Teton  + (Grand Teton is the tallest mountain in the Teton Range. The park's historic Jackson Hole and reflective piedmont lakes teem with endemic wildlife, with a backdrop of craggy mountains that rise abruptly from the sage-covered valley.)
  • Intel 8∕16 LAN Adapter  + ('''Intel 8∕16 LAN Adapter''' is a 10Mbps network card)
  • Spitz nevus  + ('''Spitz nevus''', also known as '''epithelioid and spindle cell nevus''', is an uncommon melanocytic lesion that can be difficult to differentiate from [[malignant melanoma]])
  • Rashômon (羅生門)  + (A 1950 Japanese film directed by Akira Kurosawa)
  • Issue/SRF/308/1  + (A conference about cheese cake)
  • Issue/1891  + (Another text with a|pipe ...)
  • Maps examples/Google Maps with rotate control  + (Basic map with rotate control)
  • Bryce Canyon  + (Bryce Canyon is a geological amphitheater on the Paunsaugunt Plateau with hundreds of tall, multicolored sandstone hoodoos formed by erosion. The region was originally settled by Native Americans and later by Mormon pioneers.)
  • Rome  + (Capital city of Italy and a global cultural and historical hub)
  • Issue/1258  + (Demonstrates how to use the SEQL extension)
  • Issue/3020/1  + (Demonstrates the use and representation of a keyword typed property)
  • Issue/1178  + (Example for using ~/!~ in combination with a date datatype)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (Q1339)  + (German composer)
  • Grand Teton  +
  • Product/A  + (Has different product configuration consisting of ...)
  • Henry VIII, King of England  + (He was the first English King of Ireland, and continued the nominal claim by English monarchs to the Kingdom of France.)
  • Henry VII of England  + (He was the first English King of Ireland, and continued the nominal claim by English monarchs to the Kingdom of France.)
  • Fichier:Spitz-nevus-H-E-stain.jpg  + (High magnification micrograph of a Spitz nevus, also known as an epithelioid and spindle-cell nevus. H&E stain.)
  • Fichier:Intel 8 16 LAN Adapter.jpg  + ([[Intel 8∕16 LAN Adapter]] is a 10Mbps network card)
  • Attribut:Has interface device  + (Is a hardware component or system of components that allows a human being to interact with a computer)
  • Product/A  + (Is a product variant with ...)
  • Issue/2499/Keyword/Example2  + (Is annotated with: EXAMPLE)
  • Issue/2499/Keyword/Example1  + (Is annotated with: exAmplE)
  • Issue/2499/Keyword/Example3  + (Is annotated with: example)
  • Lorem ipsum  + (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer justo Nam quis lobortis vel. Sapien nulla enim Lorem enim pede lorem nulla justo diam wisi. Libero Nam turpis neque leo scelerisque nec habitasse a lacus mattis. Accumsan tincidunt Sed adipiscing)
  • Malignant melanoma  + (Malignant melanoma, also melanoma, is an aggressive type of skin cancer that can be diagnostically challenging for pathologists. It fits into the larger category of melanocytic lesions which includes ...)
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